Sunday, October 5, 2008

A Flower And A Butterfly

As I said in one of my earlier blogs, I keep a journal. Not a journal that I write my thoughts in everyday, a journal that I mostly take to church or anywhere I may be going to a devotional or revival. I don't take sermon notes, I take down things that God touches my heart with. Things that I don't want to forget. They may be things that mean something to me at the time I write them or they may be things that can speak to me for a different time in my life later on down the road.

So many times whatever it is that I am struggling with, God speaks to me about in little ways. No, He doesn't come down here in person with a loud voice and speak to me. He shows me and leads me to different things, simple things that make me realize His great power. His voice is so gentle, so soft, it's so neat to listen to God and watch Him work in my life.

I struggle with waiting on the Lord many times in my life. I am impatient. I want what I want, right now, I don't want to wait for the Lord to do it in His time. I want it NOW! I get angry when my prayers aren't answered after years of praying. I am like most people who stand in front of the microwave and tap their foot. Yet God is so gracious and merciful to me still. He has gentle ways of reminding me all along that, Dawn, I am still in control and my ways are not your ways, neither is my time your time. I know what's best for you, you are my child and I Love You. I'm going to do what's best for you, just like your earthly Father and how much more do I, your heavenly Father love you? This story is one of the stories that came along that He spoke to me through, along with the sayings at the bottom. Reguardless of how and when God answers our prayers, we are His children and He will only do the best for us. I believe that.

Once there was a man who asked God for a flower and a butterfly. But instead God gave him a cactus and a caterpillar. The man was sad and didn't understand why his request was mistaken. So he thought, "O well, God has too many people to care for" and decided not to question. After sometime, the man went to check up on his request that he had left forgotten. To his surprise from the thorny and ugly cactus a beautiful flower had grown and the unsightly caterpillar had been transformed into the most beautiful butterfly.

God always does things right! His way is always the best way, even if to us it seems all wrong. If you asked God for one thing and recieved another, TRUST. You can be sure that He will always give you what you need at the appropriate time. What you want is not always what you need. God never fails to grant our petitions, so keep on going for Him without doubting or murmuring. Today's thorn is tomorrow's flower. God gives the very best to those who leave the choices up to Him.

-Waiting is sometimes part of God's plan to bring Him all the Glory. We need God's timing and power for God to be fully and truly effective in us.

-Patience is accepting a difficult situation from God without giving Him a deadline to remove it.

-Sometimes the Lord calms the storm; sometimes He lets the storm rage and calms His child.

-Faith is not shelter from difficulties but belief in the face of all contradictions.

-Experience is what you get when you don't get what you wanted.

-If you want to see God do anything significant in your life, get on your knees before Him and pray.

-God heals: faith doesn't. There have been plenty of people with lots of faith that God hasn't seen fit to answer their prayer.

-The reason we aren't seeing a Holy Ghost movement is because we are confessing and not repenting.

Confess - telling the Lord you're sorry for what you've done

Repent - confess and turn and change your ways

If you wonder why your prayers aren't answered - REPENT.

Lord help me to always look to you for guidance and for YOUR will for my life and not mine. Help me to be grateful the "thorns have roses" and not just see that the "roses have thorns." I praise you for speaking to me and helping me see and realize that you do want the best for me, your child and that everything happens In YOUR time, the best time. Thank you for the Flower and the Butterfly.


jeff and rebecca said...

Very encouraging blog Dawn. I really enjoy hearing the things that God puts on your heart.

The Clarks said...

Something we all need to hear. Thanks for sharing!

Beth said...

Where are you these days?!!!!

Dawn said...

Since starting Oasis I have been having to adjust to the new schedule and also I we've had revival every night this week. I spent all day Saturday in the kitchen making sloppy joe mix, spagetti, roast pot and carrots, and camp stew so we could heat it up quickly and have it all week since I knew I wouldn't have time to come in and cook anything. I will try to post something soon! Sorry. It's been a crazy week!

jeff and rebecca said...

Where in the WORLD is Dawn????