Brian has been putting in his orders for Christmas cooking! His personality is so different when he is not in school he has been like a mexican jumping bean around the house. He has thought of so many different things he wants me to bake. We decided to do some baking for the people who helped him finish his clinicals along with his a few of his co-workers. In order to do all of this, I have been "touching the stove" to say the least. Here are a few of the things I have been cooking. Peanut Butter Kisses, Brownies, Oatmeal Chocolate Chip Cookies, Corn Flake's easy to see why my time on blogger has been limited.
Once complete it was time to pack up the goodies. Here they are finally packed up and ready to go to the hospital! Enjoy and thanks to all of the people who have helped Brian finish up his B.S. We are so thankful!
I won't get to excited here on this post though...I have at least this much more baking to do...
I'm sure my Grannie Dozier is literally shaking her head at this picture! She was the best cook ever, besides my mom of course. She cooked everything homemade, nothing out of a box or can. Betty Crocker never had to come to her house, she was better than Betty ever thought about being. I always think about her, especially this time of year. One being that her birthday is December 26 and also how good she could cook. She was the most patient woman I've ever known. I think the 7 children may have had a little something to do with that. I know there were many times when she wanted to "tan my hide" and didn't. I, being the youngest of all the grandchildren and at her house a lot was her little "taste tester." Not that Grannie needed one of those or anything. Oh she always SAID she did, she never called me by my name, most of the time it was Hannah, or Hannah foot, come over here and taste this and tell me what it needs (obviously I've done a little too much taste testing!). I smile now just thinking about her, with her apron on saying that. It brings a tear to my eye, the memories that I cherish so near and dear to my heart. She wasn't an emotional woman, so Grannie never told me much that she loved me but she didn't have to, I knew it by her actions. If you still have your parents and grandparents, cherish the time and the memories with them this Christmas Season. It may be your last one together. Death can destroy a lot of things but one thing it can never take away is our memories and as Christians we know that one day we will see each other again in Heaven. She's probably up there now, baking away...shaking her head at my "Betty Crocker." Don't be too disappointed Grannie, you did make more of an impression on me than you think...Happy Birthday, I Love You.
It all looks great to me. Nothing wrong with Betty Crocker!! That's very thoughtful of you to bake for others at Christmas. I know what you mean about grandparents. I always think about how much my Granny would love to see Jack and get to love on him!! We miss them but the memories are great!
Yum, yum...those Betty Crocker cookies are really good!
Hey Dawny, I never realized that you are so domestic!!!! That stuff looks great, of course, most food looks great to me!!!! I pray that you have a fabulous time celebrating the birth of our Lord. I love you!!!
DAWN! I am so glad to be able to see your blog. When I first started, Lori and I had your address wrong, and I was never able to see it! Anyway, I enjoyed it! I wish I could stay home and cook all day. I LOVE IT! Anyway, I hope you had a Merry Christmas and I hope to catch up with you soon! Phillipians 1:3
That is alot of sweets!! I'm sure that everyone enjoyed all the goodies! I know that I am like Brian and Granny, I gotta have something sweet after I eat my meal!!
I know, me too, that's what I need to change! It's not a good thing! Thankfully all these went out the door instead of in my belly where they don't need to be!
Yes I have gotten a lot more domestic than when Brian and I first married. I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas as well!
I'm so glad you finally got the correct blog address and got in touch. I hope you and Jason are doing well and taking care of yourselves! The weight loss looks great on you! Take care!
I think I gainded weight just looking at your pictures of the "baking"! What a sweet thing to do for others.
I miss my Paw-Paw terribly!! He passed away four years ago today, and his birthday was December 22. It is a tough month to endure, but also a wonderful month when we can celebrate Jesus' birth!! Hope you had a MERRY CHRISTMAS!
Good to see you the other night! I hope we can get together soon! Hope you had a good New Year!
Alright, Dawn. You are getting as bad as me. Time for a new post, sugar! LOL
Hey! No babies for us right now. We're going to let Carrie and Jason have the next one so we can play and go home and they can stay up at night. HA
Time for a new post. Let us know what's going on!!
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