Friday, December 19, 2008

The Day We've Been Waiting For!!!!

Today December 19, 2008 Brian is officially finished with his Bachelors Degree!! YAY!!! We could not be more excited or proud! Only 9 classes left and he will complete his long awaited NP!! Kimberly asked me just the other night was all of the stress worth it? The thought has crossed my mind once or twice but when I met Brian he told me then it was his dream to complete his Master's Degree. He supports me in whatever I choose to do or be and I do the same for him. It's not an easy road for anyone I am sure but once done it will all be worth it in the end. Also what doesn't kill you truly makes you stronger and Brian and I are in this together as a team and we WILL be stronger in the end. To stick together, tough it out and remember, we're not in this alone, the Lord is by our side and we know "through Him ALL things are possible!" So hang in there Brian, I Love You and I support you in whatever you choose to do and be! You can do it, we can do it. I Love You and a Big CONGRATULATIONS!!! Now go get some rest, or wait a minute, are you already doing that???


Lori said...

Congratulations to Brian!! It is a huge accomplishment and I am so happy for both of you! Funny picture!

Shonna said...

Congrats Brian...Merry Christmas!!!

Anonymous said...

look at those two spoiled girls laying in the bed with Brian. That is so cute. Brian looks like he is out of it!!

Dawn said...

I know, the girls are spoiled Amy. Brian is out of it...that was after one of his long nights at ARH! Congrats to him and maybe he can get caught up before he tackles 9 more classes to his NP!

Julie said...