Saturday, April 25, 2009


After 68 days on the women to women program I had to stop due to bleeding for 4 weeks. I have been very torn as to what to do about the current situation. After getting a free consultation with one of the nurses from women to women she told me about a book called "What to do when the Dr. says it's PCOS." After recieving the book I did decide to come off the program and call Dr. Wells to do another chemical D&C. I am feeling very discouraged and washed out with all of the excessive bleeding. I do still believe that God is on his throne and ask Him daily to help me. After reading 2 chapters in the book they led me to a support group for PCOS suffers that I have included in my friends list After doing more research I ran across a company call insulite laboratories dedicated to reversing PCOS and the insulin resistance it also causes. A much stricter regimen than I was on but if it heals it is worth it. When you have been this sick you are at the bottom and any way is up. Women to women made me feel so good I hated so bad to stop the program but I feel like they were focused only on balancing hormones rather than actual PCOS. I am even more hopeful about insulite labs and feel like the Lord allowed me to find women to women to help lead me to them. I have not ordered it yet but will hopefully be speaking to a Dr. from there on Monday. I am currently feeling like I cannot put one foot in front of the other due to all of the bleeding and will go today to have blood drawn to make sure I am not low in iron and becoming anemic. I covet your prayers and still believe that God is in control. I had to order the book from due to the fact that books a million has only 2 books in the entire store on PCOS. I am amazed how little information there is out there on this syndrome. The girl who assisted me in books a million told me this was not a "popular" subject or they would have more books on it. She then proceded herself to ask me "what in the world is PCOS?" She is in medical school and I shared the highlights of PCOS that I knew with her. I am a private person but I choose to blog and share about this painful most horrific syndrome in hopes that it will help someone else. This is the absolute hardest thing I have ever been through in my life and to know that I have had this since my teens and no one to diagnois me or seem the least bit interested in helping is VERY discouraging. I pray for healing God's way and if it is by this insulite labs I pray right now for the Dr.'s and people who will help me. If not, I pray that he send the answer quickly. I am drained with this problem and treating myself. When I speak of PCOS people are so unaware of what it is and they don't understand there is so much more to the syndrome than just cyst on your ovaries. I want to get the word out about PCOS. I believe many women are suffering just like me, (maybe not in the exact same way but PCOS has MANY different symptoms) and they don't understand why or what to do. I am willing to speak to anyone who will listen and help anyone who may be suffering with this horrific problem. Even if you aren't suffering with PCOS, educate yourself on the syndrome. It could happen to you or someone close to you and you may be their support or listening ear and after educating yourself will at least know some of the symptoms and be able to relate in some way. It is painful to suffer alone and to talk to someone about it when they have no idea how to relate to you in any way. I will try to post some positive news very soon. Brian and I have some good news to share that some of you may already know about. I do not have the time to post about it now but hope to very soon. I hope that everyone is doing well and thank you all so much for your prayers, support and encouraging words. God reigns and He is FAITHFUL!!
In His Care,


Lori Griffin said...

I am praying for you and that someone will be able to give you the help you need! I am sure you are discouraged but keep your head up and know that God must have something great around the corner for you!

jeff and rebecca said...

We need to reconnect!!! It has been ages since we e-mailed each other! I love and miss you and our talks (e-mails). I want to start that up again. Please know that I think of you often and have really been praying for you and Brian that God will give you an answer in your lives about your family plans. Trust me, I know just how heartbreaking the unknown can be. Stay faithful and He WILL answer.

amy said...

Dawn, I love you!

Dawn said...

Thank you Lori for the encouraging words and sweet thoughts!

Yes Rebecca we do need to reconnect. I will try to catch you up soon!

I Love You too Amy!

Beth said...



Carrie said...

Wow, Dawn. I am sorry you are going through such a time. Hopefully, you are feeling better these days. I know you are having some troubles with your move, and I am praying for you. I hope to see you soon!